Medical Applications Archives - Dage-MTI Advanced Camera Technology For Scientific & Industrial Applications Tue, 14 Apr 2015 14:33:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why use a Dage HD camera? Thu, 09 Apr 2015 23:48:05 +0000 The image quality and color accuracy are superb; 6 color calibration (CMYRGB), not just RGB. HD-210U offers simultaneous live output! Plugs into a monitor/projector (via HDMI) or computer (via USB 2.0) or both! HD-336U offers simultaneous live output! Plugs into a monitor/projector (via HDMI) or computer (via new USB 3.0)...

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What applications can benefit from a fast HD camera? Thu, 09 Apr 2015 23:47:09 +0000 Pathology – Tumor board/conferences/lectures utilizing live microscope imaging of fixed slides. Live dissections or animal surgeries on a stereo microscope. Ophthalmology – Slit Lamps and Surgical Microscopes Neurosurgery – Surgical Microscopes Lab practicals

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Why is it important to have a fast camera for live demonstrations? Thu, 09 Apr 2015 23:46:27 +0000 Easy to focus. 60 fps means no viewing lag, smear or jitter. Keeps up with live, moving specimens and magnification changes. Keeps your audience engaged.

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Why use an HD camera? Thu, 09 Apr 2015 23:45:33 +0000 Better display images. The HD camera output is a perfect match to an HD monitor. Your specimens appear as natural as possible with no interpolation or compression artifacts to fit the monitor/projector screen. Fast 60 frames/second output. Don’t let the camera slow you down! Live...

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Why is it harder to get a good image at low magnification than high magnification? Fri, 03 Apr 2015 04:20:35 +0000 The short answer is that specimen details appear closer together at low magnification. To resolve these structures, a higher resolution camera is recommended. If you image a great deal using 2x and 4x objectives, you may want to consider our 3 chip HD-336U or even...

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